Product Story: Our Mission is Your Mission // Crucifly » Lead People to Jesus Through Clothes

Our mission is

Your mission

We're here to help let your light shine. Make more than a fashion statement—make an impact.

Pro tip for

Prayer warriors

1.  Before you take on this merchandise & enter the world, ask God to be with you.

2.  If someone asks you what it's about, believe that He will help you to be loving, wise, & effective.

3.  Have accountability: tell another believer you trust about your experience!

Check this out

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
    do not depend on your own understanding.
6 Seek his will in all you do,
    and he will show you which path to take.


God is in these clothes;

it's an honor to boast in the LORD.

— (future) you
Ground, Holy

Finally... he becomes greater,

I become less.

— anonymous
Kingdom, Heaven
God's Armor » Put it On // Ephesians 6:11 \\ Shop & Buy Christian Clothing, Apparel, Décor, & Accessories « Crucifly — Get Fly, Never Die.

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