Give - Crucifly

Give — 2023 Fund

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Refresh My Heart in Christ
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For God is not unjust
so as to overlook your work
and the love that you
have shown for his name
in serving the saints,
as you still do.


Hebrews 6:10

» » »



Join us in our mission to press on toward faith-filled creativity via our "GIVE: 2023 Fund". Your bountiful contribution is more than just a donation—it's an investment into the kingdom of God.

Crucifly is more than just a creative ministry; we're a community driven by faith, hope, and love. We're dedicated to using our visionary talents to bring the stories, teachings, and wisdom of the Bible to life in new and glorious ways. Our work ranges from our faith-based clothing line, inspired by Biblical verses and stories, to our gospel music production record label, Crucifly Records. We're also joyed to offer beautiful Christian digital art and a variety of creative freelance services geared toward Christian creators.

When you contribute to the GIVE: 2023 Fund, you're empowering us to continue creating these original, Bible-inspired products and services. More than that, you're helping us declare the message of Jesus Christ, turning hearts and minds towards him, and fostering a community of believers who are excited to express their faith in unprecedented ways.

We believe that God has blessed us with the creativity, smarts, and tools to glorify him and share his Word. Every donation, whether big or small, entrusts us to continue this important work. We are deeply grateful for your support and invite you to join us on this journey of faith, wisdom, creativity, and mission.

Your open-handed gift today can, very well, make a lasting difference. Thank you for considering a one-time or recurring donation to Crucifly. Together and through Christ, we can do great things.

Get Fly.

Never Die.



Crucifly ( — text logo) // Christian Creative Ministry \\ Faith-Based Apparel & Merch, Gospel Music Production, Freelancing Services, Digital Assets, and more!


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Product Story: Our Mission is Your Mission // Crucifly » Lead People to Jesus Through Clothes

Our mission is

Your mission

We're here to help let your light shine. Make more than a fashion statement—make an impact.

Pro tip for

Prayer warriors

1.  Before you take on this merchandise & enter the world, ask God to be with you.

2.  If someone asks you what it's about, believe that He will help you to be loving, wise, & effective.

3.  Have accountability: tell another believer you trust about your experience!

Check this out

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
    do not depend on your own understanding.
6 Seek his will in all you do,
    and he will show you which path to take.


God is in these clothes;

it's an honor to boast in the LORD.

— (future) you
Ground, Holy

Finally... he becomes greater,

I become less.

— anonymous
Kingdom, Heaven
God's Armor » Put it On // Ephesians 6:11 \\ Shop & Buy Christian Clothing, Apparel, Décor, & Accessories « Crucifly — Get Fly, Never Die.

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